
I am sharing my story so it doesn’t become yours. What happened to me, the lies, the deception, from one man, resulted in the murder of his wife and the family dogs.

I consider myself fortunate, as who knows what could have been had I continued ignoring my intuition, the little voice within.

This was an extraordinary tale that Dateline NBC picked up and aired in April 2016. I solicited them in no way. This experience is also shared inside the pages of my story.

The time frame of this story spans several years, and I could not include every detail, but did my best to include what was important.

This book is based on truth, but do note, some of the names have been changed for privacy, and some of the passages have been augmented for clarity. I have not included everyone’s testimony, or at times omitted part of one’s testimony, in order to make this book manageable in length. It does not change the veracity of what happened.

Today’s most inspirational teachers, healers and spiritual leaders share true, motivating stories of how they discovered the way to real peace. 
Foreword by Chelle Thompson
Michelle Mullady: Life Is About Who You Love, So Love Yourself
Valentina Galante:  The Art of Noise

Catherine Madeira: Memory From Another Time and Place
Mickey Mackaben: Intention
Cindy Ray: A Peace of Cake 
Tina Gibson: The Dungeon 
Kourtney Hall: Breaking Free-You Are Not Alone 
Tauri Hall: Take My Hand; I Won’t Let Go, Promise. 
Deanna Leigh: Awakened by the Unthinkable 
Verity Dawson: Staying Awake and In One Peace 
Kisty Stephens: A Sparrows Perspective
Constance Mollerstuen: Life is Filled With Choices 
Diane S. Christie: Rise and Shine! 
Angela Serna:  Lessons In Life 
April L. Dodd: The Dance of Possibilities
Brenda Fedorchuk: An Evolutionary Journey to Authentic Power