
New Year New Beginnings

Hard to believe we are starting 2019, another year gone by, my gray hairs have multiplied but I still feel young at heart. Then again anyone over 50 will say the same thing.

Every new year brings a new beginning, a new hope for doing better, achieving goals, and bettering myself in many ways. I love the beginning of a new year. I’m very hopeful and excited for what’s to come. You see, I’m not afraid of change, I actually love change and with each new year, I want things to change for the better!

This year I’m committing to moving my body and growing my mind every day! Yes, every day. I am watching my mom’s health declining rapidly and it’s made me more aware of what might happen when I get her age. Her doctor told her “If you don’t use your body and your mind everyday, you will lose both!”

I’m off to a great start. I’ve been to the gym every day moving my body, whether it’s swimming laps, lifting weights, or walking the treadmill and the using my mind is the easier of the two. I am a constant reader of things that I can learn from.

Let’s have a great 2019! Moving and growing daily. I love beginnings and every year give all of a us a new beginning.

love always-
